Clean, reliable and safe energy for El Salvador

From January to December 2023, EDP injected a total of 2,491,000 MWh into the grid with an average dispatch factor of 75.9%, supplying the equivalent of 36% of the national demand.
According to estimates, “EDP’s operation represented savings of $458 million for the country’s electricity system in 2023”.
Thanks to EDP’s operation, El Salvador became a net exporter of electricity with more than 455,000 MWh exported to the Regional Electricity Market (MER).
Cleaner, more reliable electricity for El Salvador
By introducing a new, cleaner source of thermal generation and critical energy infrastructure to El Salvador, EDP provides flexible, reliable baseload electricity to Salvadorans. The new plant reduces the country’s reliance on small, inefficient, and less reliable power plants fueled by diesel and imported heavy fuel oil.

Meeting El Salvador’s energy demand
With EDP’s high efficiency, lower GHG carbon emissions, and reliable power generated by the power plant’s 19 internal combustion engines running on natural gas, along with a steam turbine that converts residual heat from the engines into additional electric power generation.
Diversification of the current energy matrix
Through natural gas-fired generation, EDP contributes to the diversification of the country’s energy mix which has traditionally consisted of less reliable imported diesel and heavy fuel oil.

Reduced environmental impact
EDP significantly improves El Salvador’s air quality and environment by displacing dozens of smaller power plants that run on diesel or highly polluting heavy fuel oil, in turn reducing the country’s carbon emissions by 600,000 tons of CO2 equivalent per year.
Catalyst for new jobs and economic growth
EDP supports 180 direct jobs and stimulates the economic development of the country and the Municipality of Acajutla.