Social Investment
As part of our commitment to the local community and Salvadoran people, Energía del Pacífico invests in economic and social development projects in the Municipality of Acajutla, allocating more than $500,000 annually.
In April 2015, EDP signed a social investment agreement with the Municipal Mayor’s Office and FISDL (currently known as the Ministry of Local Development) to develop and execute projects that are proposed and prioritized by the local communities and approved by the Mayor’s Office.
Street Repairs
- Construction of Calle Benigno Carrera
- Construction of Calle RASA
- Street paving from Centro Escolar Lisandro Larín Zepeda, Colonia La Reina to Ave. Pedro de Alvarado
- Paving of the road that goes from the post office of El Salvador, through the intersection at Pedro de Alvarado, to El Tanque, Colonia IVU

- Caserío Los Abetos, cantón El Suncita
- Caserío Miramar, cantón Metalío
- Caserío El Porvenir

- Construction of new sewage system and wastewater treatment plant, Cantón Metalío
- Lighting and ornamentation of Blvd. 25 de Febrero
- Construction of Casa Comunal de Colonia IVU (community center) and improvements to the basketball court